:: INFO: :: RustDesk Github: https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk :: RustDesk ID Changer Github: https://github.com/abdullah-erturk/RustDesk-ID-Changer ::=============================================================================================================== @echo off mode con:cols=90 lines=30 title RustDesk ID Changer by mephistooo2 ^| www.TNCTR.com net file 1>nul 2>nul && goto :Main || powershell -ex unrestricted -Command "Start-Process -Verb RunAs -FilePath '%comspec%' -ArgumentList '/c ""%~fnx0""""'" goto :eof ::=============================================================================================================== :Main cls if exist "C:\Program Files\RustDesk\rustdesk.exe" ( cd "C:\Program Files\RustDesk\" for /f "delims=" %%i in ('rustdesk.exe --get-id ^| more') do set rustdesk_id=%%i goto :Run ) else ( echo. echo RustDesk is not installed, install RustDesk first. echo. echo Press any key to exit. pause >nul exit ) :Run pushd %temp% >nul 2>&1 echo. echo ========================================================================================== echo. echo RustDesk ID Changer by mephistooo2 ^| TNCTR.com echo. echo 1 - Set RustDesk ID with computer name : "%computername%" echo. echo 2 - Set RustDesk ID with 9-digit random numbers echo. echo 3 - Set RustDesk ID to the value you specify echo. echo 4 - Exit echo. echo ========================================================================================== echo. choice /c 1234 /cs /n /m "Make Your Choice : " echo. if errorlevel 4 Exit if errorlevel 3 goto :ID_UserDefined if errorlevel 2 goto :ID_Random if errorlevel 1 goto :ID_Host echo. ::=============================================================================================================== :ID_Host echo. echo Stop-Service RustDesk > RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 echo taskkill /im rustdesk.exe /f >> RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 echo $id = Get-Content "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\RustDesk\config\RustDesk.toml" ^| Select-Object -Index 0 >> RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 echo $hostname = hostname >> RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 echo Write-Host "Current ID: %rustdesk_id%" >> RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 echo $newId = "id = '$hostname'" >> RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 echo Write-Host "New ID: $newId" >> RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 echo $fileContent = Get-Content -Path "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\RustDesk\config\RustDesk.toml" >> RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 echo $newContent = $fileContent -replace [regex]::Escape($id), $newId >> RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 echo $newContent ^| Set-Content -Path "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\RustDesk\config\RustDesk.toml" >> RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 echo Restart-Service RustDesk >> RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 start "" "C:\Program Files\RustDesk\rustdesk.exe" --tray goto :done ::=============================================================================================================== :ID_Random echo. echo Stop-Service RustDesk > RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 echo taskkill /im rustdesk.exe /f >> RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 echo $randomId = -join ((48..57) ^| Get-Random -Count 9 ^| ForEach-Object {[char]$_}) >> RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 echo $id = Get-Content "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\RustDesk\config\RustDesk.toml" ^| Select-Object -Index 0 >> RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 echo Write-Host "Current ID: %rustdesk_id%" >> RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 echo $newId = "id = '$randomId'" >> RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 echo Write-Host "New ID: $newId" >> RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 echo $fileContent = Get-Content -Path "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\RustDesk\config\RustDesk.toml" >> RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 echo $newContent = $fileContent -replace [regex]::Escape($id), $newId >> RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 echo $newContent ^| Set-Content -Path "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\RustDesk\config\RustDesk.toml" >> RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 echo Restart-Service RustDesk >> RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 start "" "C:\Program Files\RustDesk\rustdesk.exe" --tray goto :done ::=============================================================================================================== :ID_UserDefined echo. echo Stop-Service RustDesk > RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 echo taskkill /im rustdesk.exe /f >> RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 echo $id = Get-Content "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\RustDesk\config\RustDesk.toml" ^| Select-Object -Index 0 >> RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 echo THE NEW RUSTDESK ID VALUE MUST BE AT LEAST 6 CHARACTERS timeout /t 2 >nul 2>&1 echo. echo $newId = Read-Host "Enter RustDesk ID" >> RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 echo Write-Host "Current ID: %rustdesk_id%" >> RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 echo $newId = "id = '$newId'" >> RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 echo Write-Host "New ID: $newId" >> RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 echo $fileContent = Get-Content -Path "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\RustDesk\config\RustDesk.toml" >> RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 echo $newContent = $fileContent -replace [regex]::Escape($id), $newId >> RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 echo $newContent ^| Set-Content -Path "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\RustDesk\config\RustDesk.toml" >> RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 echo Restart-Service RustDesk >> RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 start "" "C:\Program Files\RustDesk\rustdesk.exe" --tray goto :done ::=============================================================================================================== :done del RustDesk_ID_Host.ps1 >nul 2>&1 del RustDesk_ID_Random.ps1 >nul 2>&1 del RustDesk_ID_UserDefined.ps1 >nul 2>&1 echo. echo PROCESS COMPLETED echo. choice /C:MX /N /M "Press M for MAIN MENU -- X for EXIT: " if errorlevel 2 Exit if errorlevel 1 goto :Main ::===============================================================================================================